Communication Agency that Grew at BASE

August 13 2024  |   The concept

New School Communications is a communication agency established in 2020. Among its clients are several companies from the fields of real estate development, healthcare, as well as various institutions and associations. The agency’s founder, Gabriel Tóth, was one of the first tenants at BASE flexible offices, where not only the communication agency was established, but also the project, which combats hate comments in the online space.

How did the journey of New School Communications begin and how long has the agency been on the market?

We started approximately three and a half years ago. I founded the agency myself as the first and only employee, initially working as a freelancer. Back then, I wasn’t sure how things would turn out and whether I would end up working alone forever or if I would be able to hire some colleagues. From the beginning, actually right after the first six months, we started looking for a workspace. Since I live in the area, BASE at Jurkovič Heating Plant seemed like the obvious choice for me, but that wasn’t the only reason. We started out at BASE flexible offices right from the start, even when it was just me.

  • How did the agency look three years ago compared to today?

The difference is substantial, of course. From just me, we have grown to over twenty people, including part-time employees. The company grew very rapidly and quite successfully. In 36 months, we have grown to 20 people, adding almost one new employee every two months. Naturally, as we expanded, so did our space requirements, making the agency fundamentally different from when it started.

  • What was the motive behind making the flexible offices at Jurkovič Heating Plant your starting point?

The primary reason was the excellent location; it is in the city center, and SKY PARK Office was already operational back then. Looking at future developments planned for this area, I consider this location to be the future business center of Slovakia. For a B2B-focused agency, it makes sense to be where the business is, as it represents potential clients for us. The location is central to where the business happens, and Jurkovič Heating Plant fits into this area.  Secondly, the building itself is amazing – an industrial monument that has won several awards and has tremendous appeal. It impresses clients, which is a benefit especially for a starting agency without a large track record and portfolio. Clients visiting such a building think, “Wow, this is where they work.” It doesn’t give off a “shabby” impression like working out of a basement somewhere in Petržalka, but rather in a prestigious location at Jurkovič Heating Plant. This appeal also extends to employees, as young people today choose agencies in a dynamic and competitive market and a location close to the city center is certainly more attractive.

  • What do you think is the ideal workspace for an agency?

For creative agencies, I personally prefer open offices. I believe that if an agency has around 20-25 employees, an open office is still manageable provided it is structured properly. I find it best to have 10-15 colleagues in one office. Flexible meeting rooms are also necessary, which BASE provides – from single-person phone booths to large meeting rooms and training rooms that can accommodate up to 30 people. This, along with the event hall for 90 people, offers a very flexible space. I started with a fixed desk when I was alone, and now I use one of the largest offices where 12 of our agency’s employees work.

  • How do you as an agency like working at BASE and what are some of the benefits you enjoy?

As I have already mentioned, flexibility is key. We have moved around BASE approximately four times as we grew, which is amazing because it wouldn’t have been possible elsewhere. In other coworking spaces, once the agency outgrows the space, there are not many solutions in terms of capacity, and it has to move out. Flexibility here is a major benefit. Another key aspect is the service – often unnoticed, but crucial. When you have your own office, you handle cleaning, technical equipment, mail, etc. on your own. Here at BASE, the team takes exemplary care of their clients, from onboarding to event service, regular brunches and other community events. It is very comfortable and pleasant for us clients. I also have to mention the meeting rooms, reservation system, and maintenance, all of which work really well, saving time and money.

  • What are some of the ideas, which you are proud of today, that originated at BASE?

The entire agency originated here, haha.  Really, our agency and its DNA are influenced by this space. It is embedded in us and even when we leave, BASE will always be part of us, a place where we began. For instance, the project – the first tool invented by elves who actually visited and worked with us here. If this becomes a well-known startup one day, it can state BASE at Jurkovič Heating Plant as its birthplace.

  • What type of clients is most represented in your agency portfolio?

We are a full-service communication agency, handling everything regarding communication and marketing except large television advertising campaigns. We oversee everything from social media, public relations, online campaigns to content creation. We have a wide variety of clients, but our strength lies in three main areas: development, healthcare, and financial services.

  • Have you found any new clients at BASE?

Yes, we worked for Payout, a company with several employees who work directly at BASE in Bratislava. We met at BASE, they noticed our agency, and a meeting led to a cooperation last year. We also collaborated with the American Chamber of Commerce, another client here. The proximity and the fact that we all sit here together are indeed crucial. And vice versa, we have also used suppliers who are based here, creating a sort of entrepreneurial community.

  • Are your clients located nearby?

As I mentioned previously, this area is turning into a new business center where many big clients are based, and more office buildings are being developed. Within a one-kilometer radius, this location covers the entire Nivy area, riverfront, and the Old Town. About 70% of the largest, office-based companies in Slovakia are within this radius, which is great and practical. Some clients are just three bus stops away from us. Other clients are within walking distance. From this perspective, it is a really great location.

  • What challenges await the agency in the near future?

As the agency grew, it became evident that we needed our own space, and we are therefore moving to our own offices in the upcoming weeks. We won’t be far though. Our new headquarters will be in the fourth residential tower of the SKY PARK project. However, our vision is to maintain the DNA of a startup, feeling like every day is day one, continuing to grow and stay competitive, regardless of how long we have been on the market.

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